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2 Installation

The G2HEC library is dependent of V. Shoup’s NTL library, which can be found at NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory.

The following procedure should work on Unix and Unix-like platforms. The installation has been tested on Linux and Solaris, and in Cygwin on Windows.

To obtain the source code and documentation for G2HEC, download Here “X.Y.Z” denotes the current version number, i.e., 1.0.0.

2.1 General installation instructions

If the NTL library is installed in a standard system directory, then do the following:

% git clone
% cd ligb2hec
% autoreconf -vi
% ./configure --prefix=$HOME/nssw
% make
% make check
% make install

This will build, test and install G2HEC in $HOME/nssw. You can change to a different location by specifying it with the --prefix= option (the default is /usr/local). After installation, you will find the G2HEC header files in $HOME/nssw/include and the compiled static library libg2hec.a in $HOME/nssw/lib/.

2.2 NTL not in default location

If you have installed the NTL/GMP libraries into locations which require special include or library paths, you can pass them to LDFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables for the configure script. For example (for bash)

% env LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/nssw/lib CXXFLAGS=-I$HOME/nssw/include ./configure

Depending on whether GMP is found in the search path or not, the G2HEC library is configured to build with or without GMP.

2.3 After G2HEC is built

After the library is built, executing make check runs some test programs.

It is highly recommended to do this to make sure things went well.

Executing make install copies a number of files to a directory <prefix> that you specify by passing --prefix=<prefix> as an argument to configure at configuration time, or as an argument to make install at installation time. Recall that the default is /usr/local.

To uninstall the library, execute make uninstall.

To remove object files, execute make clean.

Note that this installation process is almost standard.

Assuming you have installed G2HEC as above, to compile program myprog.C that uses G2HEc, do

% g++ -I<prefix>/include -I<ntl_prefix>/include -L<prefix>/lib \
-L<ntl_prefix>/lib myprog.c -o myprog -lg2hec -lntl -lm

The binary file myprog is created.

If you built NTL using GMP, do

% g++ -I<prefix>/include -I<ntl_prefix>/include -L<prefix>/lib \
-L<ntl_prefix>/lib -L<gmp_prefix>/lib myprog.c -o myprog -lg2hec \
-lntl -lgmp -lm

Of course, there is no need to duplicate the flags if some of the locations are the same, and you may leave out the corresponding flags if the locations are standard directories.

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